What to Expect
In the Office
When you come in you will find a small, modest, quiet and discreet office.
You will be asked to have a seat and relax while we discuss the information you have filled out on your paperwork. We will then review your expectations and goals, followed by a brief description and discussion of my ideas/suggestions to reach those goals. This helps to prevent misunderstanding and miscommunications. You will also then be asked if you have any other questions.
Music is played in the backgroud during your session. Most of it is a variety of gentle, soft massage type musice. I also have a few selections of "soft rock type music available at this time. Of course, if you have your own playlist, (most any genre) feel free to let me know and we'll get it blue toothed in to the speaker.
I ask that you please let me know immediately if the techniques being used are causing pain or otherwise make you feel uncomfortable.
You will be instructed as to whether to lay face up or face down on the table, as I step out of the room and allow you time to get undressed to your comfort level and get comfortable. When I am sure you are on the table and covered, I will re-enter the room and make any adjustments needed to make you as completely comfortable and relaxed as possible.
At the end of your session, I will then exit the room once again allowing you to get dressed.